Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Professional Pictures...

Thank You Crystal Miel, You did an awesome job capturing this little boy's adorable-ness.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Doctor Visit Month 1

Malachi is growing to be a big strong boy!  He is now 9lbs 8oz and 21in long.... so that's an increase of 3lbs 1oz and 1 1/2 inches in just 5 weeks!  Now, if he would just get the nights down instead of the afternoons!  We both sleep best in the late morning though!  Our doctor said he's looking good and has great muscle tone -- well, we could have told her that!  He's not a fan of having his arms swaddled in next to him, but if I can convince him of it, it seems like he sleeps a bit longer.  So, we're trying that again tonight.   He has been loved on by everyone who sees him at church.  They keep telling me he's a handsome boy...I keep saying, "well, I think so, but I'm biased!"  He still has steel bluish eyes...hoping they stay kind of light but we'll see.  Better get on Pintrest and start looking up cute Christmas ideas for babies....gotta have some fun stuff for this advent season!

Well, it sounds like he's finally fallen that's my cue to do that too.  Sending out lots of love to his foster family and his birth family -- Thanks for being part of our family now!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

35 days old!

Our adventure continues ... today was to prove to the world we could roll over from our tummy to our back....Mommy doesn't do a great job video taping and setting things up well, but here ya go:  Malachi rolls over!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dear Santa....

Dear Santa.
   Please bring all the children a happy and loving home.  Please send your magic to those who need it most this season.  Please, could you bring Nella some toys so she doesn't play with mine?  And mommy says she doesn't need anything for Christmas, because she got the gift of family!  Happy Sinterklass Day!  Love, Malachi

And so we have reached Month One


Dec. 5, 2013 -- One Month Old

Monday, December 2, 2013

Visitors and a slice of life.

Emily Loving some Malachi looks!

Ohhh yes, a great baby sitter in a few years!
 We've started to have visitors and go on outings some.  Emily and Sophie were very excited to get a chance to hold the little guy.

Susie and Shelly came to visit and brought an easy tub for my tub.  And the cutest diaper changing pad cover ever!  Whooo hoo.

Otherwise, we've been hanging out and pondering life.   Taking lots of photos and getting lots of snuggles.
Sophie wasn't as sure!

But She liked holding him too!

Pondering the world. 

And figuring things out!

YES, that is a puppy dog diaper changing pad cover! Woot!

Here we are wrapped and ready!


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